How have the scheme’s framing and design recommendations been co-developed?

/How have the scheme’s framing and design recommendations been co-developed?

How have the scheme’s framing and design recommendations been co-developed?

  • The key elements of scheme design and how they can support the scheme’s operation are represented as Scheme Design Elements (SDEs).
  • The 12 SDEs are central for defining what the scheme could look like and how it would function and includes 1) Scheme framing, 2) Scheme product scope, 3) Targets and data, 4) Liable party determination, 5) Fee structure, 6) Mandatory standards, 7) Governance structure, 8) Compliance and monitoring, 9) Education and Awareness, 10) Accredited scheme manager roles and responsibilities, 11) Regulation, and 12) Scheme stakeholder roles and responsibilities.
  • The SDE recommendations have been informed by targeted local and international research, robust consultation, and detailed feedback from the Circular E-Stewards Network and wider stakeholders.
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